world of mtb/Media

Magazine platform for world of mtb

We designed and realised a new website for the Mountainbike magazine from the Bavarian Forest region in Germany. The new website gives readers access to articles from the latest issues, product reviews, video diaries and a database of third-party providers on all aspects of mountain biking. The website thus serves as the first point of contact for readers of the magazine and mountain bike enthusiasts in general.

WordPress PHP JavaScript Node.js Less.js Bootstrap


MTB tourism

A section of the website lists providers for MTB tourism throughout Europe. In this directory readers can find further information about destinations, accommodations or tour operators. NETZKOLLEKTIV has implemented the necessary architecture in WordPress and integrated an appropriate filtering to guide readers quickly to the relevant entries.

Product reviews

The publishing of product reviews on the platform plays a key role for the editorial team. NETZKOLLEKTIV has designed and implemented an intelligent architecture in WordPress for the administration of test data as well as a corresponding import routine. This allows the team a smooth process between Excel and WordPress.

Targeting the audience

Since the launch of the new platform, world of mtb has been able to steadily increase the number of visitors. The website is the digital companion to the print edition and plays a vital role in the magazine’s strategy. We realised a responsive WordPress Theme, which presents the content in the best possible way on all types of devices.

"NETZKOLLEKTIV was not only a competent implementation partner for us during the implementation of our magazine websites for Fahrrad News and world of mtb magazine, especially in the development and design phase they show their strengths. … Excellent responsiveness and on-time delivery made the ongoing cooperation extremely positive for us."
Norman Bielig, WOM Medien

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