Installation manual for Magento 2 Extensions


After you have purchased one our Magento Extension you will receive an archive which includes all necessary files. Copy all files from the archive to app/code in your Magento installation. The structure of the archive matches the structure in your Magento installation. After copying the files, execute the following commands to enable the extension:

./bin/magento module:list // to find out the extension name
./bin/magento module:enable Netzkollektiv_ExtensionName
./bin/magento setup:upgrade bin/magento setup:di:compile  ./bin/magento cache:clean
./bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

After the extension was installed successfully you will find the configuration options in the backend. Navigate to System -> Configuration. The exact position is shown in the screenshots of the extension description.

Magento Cronjob

For extensions which include Cron based functionalities, please make sure that the Magento Cronjob is enabled. Additional information can be found under the following link: