Connect Magento with Billomat

Billomat is a webbased service, which enables its users to manage the whole invoicing process. It helps to handle customers, to create offers and invoices as well as to send reminders and much more. Billomat puts focus on easiness and usability.
Not least because of that, Billomat enjoys great popularity. That is also true for the customers of the NETZKOLLEKTIV GmbH. Within the development of BillomatConnect the functionality of Magento has been extended by an interface, which adds the possibility to automatically create invoices in Billomat.
Because of the many enquiries and the great interest BillomatConnect will be available as Magento Extension in the near future. Since the changes to a more project independent Extension are not fully completed yet, it is still possible for potential interested parties to influence its development. Please feel free to have a look at the Extension and/or leave us some Feedback or comments about your individual requirements.
Magento Agentur gesucht?
Sie sind auf der Suche nach einer zuverlässigen Agentur, die sich mit Magento auskennt und Ihnen unkompliziert durch den Online-Shop Alltag hilft? NETZKOLLEKTIV betreut Händler seit über 10 Jahren. Rufen Sie uns an!
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